Tuesday, January 7, 2014

F4:Bill Breifing

I. The Problem
Same sex marriages are not recognized in all fifty states due to the Defense of marriage act. This means that same sex couples cannot receive social security benefits from their spouse, even if they are legally married in another state. In Virginia, this law not only prevents partners from receiving benefits, but also does not protect same sex couples from work discrimination. This is a major issue that needs to be addressed.

II. Existing Laws
As I previously mentioned, the current law that prevents same sex marriage from being recognized in all fifty states is the Defense of Marriage act that was put into action in September 1996. This act states that marriage should be between a man and a woman, and that any state, territory, or Indian tribe does not have to recognize a same sex marriage. Currently in the United States, there is not a federal law based on gay marriage.
In other countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium, same sex marriages were recognized nationwide as early as 2000. The United States could use these countries as examples.

III. Proposal
The bill that I would like to propose will essentially be the complete opposite of the Defense of Marriage act. It will be used to protect and recognize same sex marriage in all states and territories, not just the ones that allow same sex marriage.  This means that social security benefits, health benefits and other policies that are given to heterosexual couples should also be given to homosexual couples in all states. Workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity should also be banned under this bill.

IV. Committee
The committees that the bill will be introduced in are the House of Education and Workforce under the Workforce protections, the committee of Financial Services, and the Judiciary committee under Civil Justice.

V. Sources
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