Saturday, March 15, 2014

F9: Free Response - Congress

(a) Describe one advantage that the majority party in the House and/or Senate has in lawmaking, above and beyond the numerical advantage that the majority party enjoys in floor voting.
  • An advantage the majority party has is the ability to nominate their moderators (Senate pro tempore, etc). If the House is having a debate, the moderator can call someone from their party to talk the most and influence a lot of the decisions.    
(b) Describe one difference between House and Senate rules that may make it likely that legislation may pass in one chamber but not the other. 
  • The Senate can engage in Filibusterers, which the House cannot do. 
(c) Explain how the difference identified in (b) can lead to the passage of a bill in one chamber but not the other.
  • The Senate can preform a filibuster, which is a prolonged speech to get in the way of making a legislative decision. The House can hold a debate, but they are unable to "block" a bill from being discussed or debated over. 

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