Tuesday, February 25, 2014

G9: Budget Games

  1. To fix the deficit, I would cut spending and raise taxes. I would cut spending on things like "The War on Drugs", and cut military spending. I would not want to cut Veterans benefits though. I would raise taxes on the higher income people, and require people who received bailouts to pay back the money. 
  2. To reduce the deficit in the games, I decided to reduce the military to half it's size, reduce Social Security for higher incomes, and place a Millionaire's tax on people who make more than 1 million dollars. I decided that we didn't need a huge military, and even if we did cut the military in half, we would still have the biggest military in the world. I put lower Social Security for higher incomes and a millionaire tax to give people with lower income a chance to live a happy retirement. I avoided affecting the lower classes because they tend to be the first ones hit by economic reform. 

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