Thursday, November 14, 2013

E1: Media!

  1. The five types of mass media are print, radio, television, telecommunications, and internet.
  2. News from print media has changed so much over the last 200 years, especially in the recent decades. Now, more print papers are not going out in print, but on the internet. A few years ago, it was not common to put the news on the internet.
  3. Yellow Journalism is sensationalist tabloid reporting. the stories are more exaggerated in yellow journalism,  and are mostly used to make money. 
  4. Muckraking is researching and exposing the wrongdoing that politicians did. Modern day publishers could do this by completing more research instead of putting out false claims.
  5. Roosevelt used press conferences to publicize his ideas to the outside world.
  6. Today, Obama uses social networks like Twitter and Facebook to reach younger voters (his target group), and to make him feel more approachable. 
  7. Narrow casting: Showing programs biased towards certain ideas.
    1. A possible benefit from this type of news casting is telling you the ideas of candidates that are running, and helping you shape your view of that person.
    2. A disadvantage is shutting your view down to only one idea, and not getting to see the other sides of arguments. 

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